Anyone who has ever been pregnant can certainly appreciate the cravings of pregnancy. I have become a total victim of suggestive marketing. Last night I saw a commercial for bologna and I would have wept with joy if I someone had walked in at that moment with a slice! Ewww, I know. I even made Greg check the freezer just in the offer chance we had any. No luck.
On the up side, my JuJu craving was finally satisfied when Greg went to the gas station and I told him to not come home without something chewy (I had mentioned the need for some JuJus, Mike&Ikes, etc. numerous times in the past week, but apparently now loudly or clearly enough). Alas, he finally came through with both Mike&Ikes and Twizzlers. Yumm! Don't tell anyone, but have them secretly stashed away in the linen closet. Pregnant ladies are not much for sharing!
I have been trying to keep busy with trashy novels and "telecommuting" to work, but apparently I have begun to lost track of time as I completely missed Greg's birthday yesterday -- not a card, a DingDong cake (*yes, I have a secret stash of those too(!) in the laundry room), not even the courtesy of a "Happy Birthday." I may be a bi**h a lot of the time, but even I am not that bad. He pointed it out to me at about 11:00 pm. Needless to say, he was a little upset. Gracie and I tried to make it up to him with a double-layer DingDong cake at 8 am this morning, and of course a candle. Gracie blew the candle out before I could even get her to say happy birthday. We ended up lighting it & blowing it up several times. Fun times by all!
Today marks my 4th week of bed rest, and my 29th week (and 1 day) of pregnancy. Baby is still holding strong, and is now over 2 1/2 pounds. I expect based on my last ultrasound, I will easily be here for at least another 5-7 weeks. Overwhelming when I think of it in terms of months, so I just take it in 7 day increments.
mike & ikes makes me think of this song:
Ikey And Mikey
By Benny (Bell) Samberg
Ikey and Mikey were digging in a well,
Said Ikey to Mikey, "I hope you go to Hel-
-en's birthday party, you will be quite a hit."
Said Mikey to Ikey, "I think you're full of shi-
-sh-ke-bab and pizza, and you drink a lot of tea,
And every hour on the hour you have to make a pe-
-anut butter sandwidge, to feed your hungry heart,
But when you eat those Boston beans you always leave a far-
-eign letter in my mailbox- you're a crazy man,
Sometimes I get so angry I could kick you in the can-
-dy store and hold your head, beneath the water tap,
'Cause when you say you're sorry, that's just a lot of cra-
-bgrass, my buddy, so if you're really wise,
You'll ask me no more questions and I'll tell you no more lies."
Ikey and Mikey, in a most exclusive place,
Were held up by a mugger, who cut up Ikey's fa-
-vourite coat and robbed him, and hit him with a hose,
But Mikey grabbed the scoundrel, and punched him in the no-
-good head repeatedly, until he ran away,
So Ikey and Mikey went back to New York City,
The fun place, a town they can't resist,
Where there is law and order, and crime does not exist.
Ikey and Mikey once had a luncheon date,
They paid the man a quarter for a doughnut on a plate.
The waiter said, "Your quarter has a hole, through and through,"
So Ikey told the waiter, "Your doughnut has one too."
Now Ikey and Mikey are known from coast to coast,
And everybody drinks up when they hear their famous toast.
"The morning sun may kiss the grass
The clock may kiss the hours that pass
The flowing wine can kiss the glass
And you my friends...
...Drink hearty!"
and if you are craving fruity/chewy (and a little sour) send greg for these mirculous things i discovered in the easter candy this year "WILLY WONKA BUMPY JELLY BEANS" they are essentially nerd covered jelly beans and i should have hidden MINE in MY laundry room, instead, they are all gone already, baby Liam being particularly fond of them... grrr
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