Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!

Hope everyone out there had a good Easter! Gracie sure had a nice time and has mastered the art of the hunt... easter egg that is!
Doing a holiday on bedrest is certainly different. First, I had to let Greg do the shopping. Scary what a man can come home with. I mean, does a 3 year old need 5 bags of stuff from Walgreens!!! She certainly seemed to enjoy it all, so who am I to complain? Actually, I am grateful that between my sister and her "few" things she got for Gracie's basket, and Greg and his purchases, Gracie really seemed to enjoy the day.
For me, it was just another day to cross off the calendar. Without church or a lovely brunch, it just did not seem like a special day. Next year, I am so wearing a bonnet and having a Mimosa!
I guess that is the bedrest weariness getting to me. I am even thinking about taking up crochet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SHeez, party pooper. you could still have worn a bonnet....