Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Holiday catchup

Christmas was very nice. Stayed in Indy until Christmas day, and then drove down to my sister Sues on Christmas afternoon. Got to see everyone and have some fun, but mom & jack had to leave a day early due to mom having taken a spill on the 20th (or 21st?) and breaking her foot. Dear Rosie.

Besides that mishap, everyone was in good and shape and fun times had by all and wayyyy too many presents. Got home from Suzanne's on the 31st, so just now catching up on things. Was delayed coming home a day due to the flu (yes, me too!) , but finally made it home and finally starting to feel like a human being !

I am feeling good. Still have the morning sickness (a/k/a any time of the date sickness) but had this with Gracie until 24 weeks so no surprises that is has not gone away.

Had an amnio on December 19th (NOT an enjoyable experience!) and got the results back last week that everything is NORMAL - no chromosomal abnormalities. yeah!!!

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