Tuesday, March 4, 2008

February 14th -- BEDREST

So I gave gone & done it. Been ordered onto bedrest. :(

As most (all?) of you know, my OB and Perionatologist have been monitoring my cervix as there has been some concern that my cervix may be opening (i.e., possible incompetent cervix).

I had been holding strong at 2.4cm. However, when I went in on Thursday, my cervix has shortened to .8 cm and I have started to funnel (signs the cervix is starting to efface). The Peri called my OB while I was in the office and came back ten minutes later and declared “bedrest.”

As of today, I am 25 weeks, 4 days, so who knows how long this will last. Baby is considered viable at this point, but would have considerable problems if delivered right now. Making it to 28 weeks is critical in terms of increased changes of viability (better than 90%) and fewer premi complications.

So here I lay twiddling my thumbs. Cannot imagine doing this for weeks on end, but better than the alternative.

Gracie is keeping busy with her new gymnastics class. Perfect activity for a kid who likes to bounce around. She has been very busy practicing her forward and backward somersaults and learning to do a headstand!

She has also been a great bedrest buddy. As you can see from the pic, she has even incorporated her body and the walls into current art projects to make sure I am not bored!

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