Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day

Love comes in lots of different forms & this valentines day I can say I have never felt more loved.

My gifts I received? Yep got the standards - my DeBrands chocolates (thanks Mom) & a wonderful Valentines day card from the girls (with a little help from a Titi)

But also got some other wonderful gifts too. I got a 4 year old who I just discovered loves to empty the dishwasher. I have an 8 year old who has mastered the art of hot cocoa & microwave popcorn. I've got 2 little kids who want to tuck ME into bed at night b/c they know its hard for me to bend over right now to tuck me in. I've gots friends who ate pancakes for an entire week! Just to show there love & support. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a blue Tiffany box as much as the next girl, but the gifts I've received recently are worth so much more.

So for those out there still searching for their "true love", let me tell you, you probably already have it.

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