Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!

Hope everyone out there had a good Easter! Gracie sure had a nice time and has mastered the art of the hunt... easter egg that is!
Doing a holiday on bedrest is certainly different. First, I had to let Greg do the shopping. Scary what a man can come home with. I mean, does a 3 year old need 5 bags of stuff from Walgreens!!! She certainly seemed to enjoy it all, so who am I to complain? Actually, I am grateful that between my sister and her "few" things she got for Gracie's basket, and Greg and his purchases, Gracie really seemed to enjoy the day.
For me, it was just another day to cross off the calendar. Without church or a lovely brunch, it just did not seem like a special day. Next year, I am so wearing a bonnet and having a Mimosa!
I guess that is the bedrest weariness getting to me. I am even thinking about taking up crochet.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

JuJus & Bologna

Anyone who has ever been pregnant can certainly appreciate the cravings of pregnancy. I have become a total victim of suggestive marketing. Last night I saw a commercial for bologna and I would have wept with joy if I someone had walked in at that moment with a slice! Ewww, I know. I even made Greg check the freezer just in the offer chance we had any. No luck.

On the up side, my JuJu craving was finally satisfied when Greg went to the gas station and I told him to not come home without something chewy (I had mentioned the need for some JuJus, Mike&Ikes, etc. numerous times in the past week, but apparently now loudly or clearly enough). Alas, he finally came through with both Mike&Ikes and Twizzlers. Yumm! Don't tell anyone, but have them secretly stashed away in the linen closet. Pregnant ladies are not much for sharing!

I have been trying to keep busy with trashy novels and "telecommuting" to work, but apparently I have begun to lost track of time as I completely missed Greg's birthday yesterday -- not a card, a DingDong cake (*yes, I have a secret stash of those too(!) in the laundry room), not even the courtesy of a "Happy Birthday." I may be a bi**h a lot of the time, but even I am not that bad. He pointed it out to me at about 11:00 pm. Needless to say, he was a little upset. Gracie and I tried to make it up to him with a double-layer DingDong cake at 8 am this morning, and of course a candle. Gracie blew the candle out before I could even get her to say happy birthday. We ended up lighting it & blowing it up several times. Fun times by all!

Today marks my 4th week of bed rest, and my 29th week (and 1 day) of pregnancy. Baby is still holding strong, and is now over 2 1/2 pounds. I expect based on my last ultrasound, I will easily be here for at least another 5-7 weeks. Overwhelming when I think of it in terms of months, so I just take it in 7 day increments.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Yeah! I made it to 28 weeks!!!!

The highlight was Starbucks. Greg stopped at Starbucks on his way home and took my "instruction list" in (tall half-caf non-fat no-foam latte with 1 Equal - how hard is that to remember) with him, which was clearly written out on yellow notebook paper and handed it to the Barista who immediately started laughing and commented that clearly the drink was not for him. When he explained that it was for his pregnant wife on bed rest, they gave it to him for free!! Rock on. You KNOW I love my free stuff.

Went to the Doctor (specialist) today for my check up. Baby is weighing 2 lbs., 13 oz. (Go fatty!) and would not stop moving. Unfortunately, my cervix is below 1 cm again, so looks like bed rest continues. Seriously doubt my OB is going to lift any restrictions next week. Need to start facing facts that this may be my life for the next 8-9 weeks.

Basically, I am on strict bed rest with bathroom privileges. What do I do to stay busy? Here's my list:

  • I am catching up on all the new characters on my Soaps.

  • Doing a lot of reading - thanks Mom for all the trashy novels

  • Surfing the Internet, send email, and generally harass my staff via my laptop computer

  • Online shopping - need I say more?

  • Art projects with Gracie

What's my baby doing?

  • Eyebrows and eyelashes are now present, and the hair on the head is growing.

  • The eyelids open, and the eyes are completely formed.

  • Muscle tone is gradually improving.

  • The lungs are capable of breathing air but if the baby is born now, it would struggle to properly breathe.

  • s/he can recognize my voice now

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

February 14th -- BEDREST

So I gave gone & done it. Been ordered onto bedrest. :(

As most (all?) of you know, my OB and Perionatologist have been monitoring my cervix as there has been some concern that my cervix may be opening (i.e., possible incompetent cervix).

I had been holding strong at 2.4cm. However, when I went in on Thursday, my cervix has shortened to .8 cm and I have started to funnel (signs the cervix is starting to efface). The Peri called my OB while I was in the office and came back ten minutes later and declared “bedrest.”

As of today, I am 25 weeks, 4 days, so who knows how long this will last. Baby is considered viable at this point, but would have considerable problems if delivered right now. Making it to 28 weeks is critical in terms of increased changes of viability (better than 90%) and fewer premi complications.

So here I lay twiddling my thumbs. Cannot imagine doing this for weeks on end, but better than the alternative.

Gracie is keeping busy with her new gymnastics class. Perfect activity for a kid who likes to bounce around. She has been very busy practicing her forward and backward somersaults and learning to do a headstand!

She has also been a great bedrest buddy. As you can see from the pic, she has even incorporated her body and the walls into current art projects to make sure I am not bored!

With the new year I have this great need to get my home - personal life - work life in order, yet seem to be getting nothing done, so in the end I just have more stress. However, I still have the ambition so perhaps I can just make it all happen if only by sheer will ( and perhaps some bullheadedness?).

I had my level 2 ultrasound the 1st of the year, and the only thing of concern right now is my cervix -- there seems to be some concern that my cervix may be opening (i.e., possible incompetent cervix).

Accdg to the Dr. I am a little dilated at the outer cervix opening and my cervix lengh is fair. Who knew cervixes had lengths? So for now, we are "monitoring the situation."

On the up side, the nausea finally started to let up @ 21 weeks. Still don't what liar came up with the " just try & survive your 1st trimester and the 2nd trimester will be so much easier" B.S.! Ha! But cannot complain too much as I am still shocked that I am currently in the "state" that I am - this truly is a miracle.

Of course I am totally unprepared for a new baby. Grace is still fighting the potty training (okay, I admit she has lazy parents who have not pushed the issue) and is still happy as a clam in her crib. Need to get out of my holding pattern & take action! Or prisoners? Both sound good.

Gracie turned 3 this month! So big! Time is flying by with her and I just love watching her grow! She has a great sense of humor and is ALWAYS on the move.

Holiday catchup

Christmas was very nice. Stayed in Indy until Christmas day, and then drove down to my sister Sues on Christmas afternoon. Got to see everyone and have some fun, but mom & jack had to leave a day early due to mom having taken a spill on the 20th (or 21st?) and breaking her foot. Dear Rosie.

Besides that mishap, everyone was in good and shape and fun times had by all and wayyyy too many presents. Got home from Suzanne's on the 31st, so just now catching up on things. Was delayed coming home a day due to the flu (yes, me too!) , but finally made it home and finally starting to feel like a human being !

I am feeling good. Still have the morning sickness (a/k/a any time of the date sickness) but had this with Gracie until 24 weeks so no surprises that is has not gone away.

Had an amnio on December 19th (NOT an enjoyable experience!) and got the results back last week that everything is NORMAL - no chromosomal abnormalities. yeah!!!