Please just disregard all my whiny comments. It was sooo worth the wait. I am pleased to announce the birth of Georgia Olivia Day, born May 21, 2008, at 9:36 a.m., 8 pounds, 7.5 ounces, 20 inches long
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Worth the Wait
Please just disregard all my whiny comments. It was sooo worth the wait. I am pleased to announce the birth of Georgia Olivia Day, born May 21, 2008, at 9:36 a.m., 8 pounds, 7.5 ounces, 20 inches long
Friday, May 9, 2008
You are NOT the father!
"You are NOT the father!" Okay, not referring to Greg. Just giving a little shout out to my favorite show Maury Povich. Cannot tell you how many chuckles Maury gave me over the last 3 months every time he said those words. Hehehehe. I know is sounds like a trivial thing, but one thing I learned on bedrest was to not take the small stuff for granted. There were many days I just laid in bed, no computer, no book, no TV and just stared at the wall wishing the minutes away. So having anything, even Maury, to make me laugh, was a blessing.
I am so grateful to finally be getting back into action after 9 1/2 weeks of bedrest. All my restrictions have been released at this point, and I have been able to return to work on a part time basis. The natural side effect of having been immobile for that long is that I have no stamina and any exertion makes me need to sit down. Luckily, being on bedrest that long has also made me learn a certain amount of patience, so I am just doing what I can do and forgetting the rest. Also, one of the perks of being athrophied is totally being justified in riding the electric carts at the stores. They rock!

In the meantime, I am now working on getting prepared for baby. I took Gracie to a "big Sibling" class last weekend, so she could learn what it takes to be a big sister and practice helping mom. She really enjoyed the class but wanted to trade in "her" baby, for one of the already born babies in the hospital nursery. Immediate gratification kid -- wonder where she got that from?

Gracie & mom at "Big Sibling" class with our
"anatomically correct" baby doll
Ialso went and celebrated on Thursday with a morning at the Spa with my gift certificates that my beautiful sisters gave me for my birthday. Massage lady started laughing when she asked if I had any areas that needed attention and I explained to her I just wanted someone to rub good-smelling lotion on all my extremities that I could no longer reach! I even had my first ever pedicure (have avoided them this far in life due to extremely ticklish feet due to years of torture during my formative years at my brother's hands) and have to admit, I enjoyed it! Kind of freaky to have someone else file your toenails, but my farmer feet look great.
In the meantime, I am just counting down the days! I have made it to 37 weeks (as of Wednesday) so we are FULL TERM. Baby is still sitting very high and shows no signs of wanting to come out despite the past few months of drama, so I fully expect to make it to our scheduled C-section date on May 21st. 12 MORE DAYS TO GO. I am feeling very round, and can only move at one speed, slow!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
-- head down to Brown County State Park sometime around last 2 weeks of July. Baby will be at least 6 weeks old then, the Abe Martin Lodge in Brown County State Park will have their brand new 12,000 indoor water park up and running, and there are primo outlet malls near by, and my beloved sassafrass tea.
-- Las Vegas, black jack and craps
-- white water rafting next spring/summer/fall
-- at least one week in Northern Michigan hunting for beach glass and petosky stones.
-- Winter Olympics in 2010 at Whistler Ski resort in Canada
I guess I am feeling a little trapped :)
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Happy Unbirthday
Monday, March 24, 2008
Happy Easter!

Thursday, March 13, 2008
JuJus & Bologna

Thursday, March 6, 2008

- I am catching up on all the new characters on my Soaps.
- Doing a lot of reading - thanks Mom for all the trashy novels
- Surfing the Internet, send email, and generally harass my staff via my laptop computer
- Online shopping - need I say more?
- Art projects with Gracie
- Eyebrows and eyelashes are now present, and the hair on the head is growing.
- The eyelids open, and the eyes are completely formed.
- Muscle tone is gradually improving.
- The lungs are capable of breathing air but if the baby is born now, it would struggle to properly breathe.
- s/he can recognize my voice now
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
February 14th -- BEDREST

So I gave gone & done it. Been ordered onto bedrest. :(
As most (all?) of you know, my OB and Perionatologist have been monitoring my cervix as there has been some concern that my cervix may be opening (i.e., possible incompetent cervix).
I had been holding strong at 2.4cm. However, when I went in on Thursday, my cervix has shortened to .8 cm and I have started to funnel (signs the cervix is starting to efface). The Peri called my OB while I was in the office and came back ten minutes later and declared “bedrest.”
As of today, I am 25 weeks, 4 days, so who knows how long this will last. Baby is considered viable at this point, but would have considerable problems if delivered right now. Making it to 28 weeks is critical in terms of increased changes of viability (better than 90%) and fewer premi complications.
So here I lay twiddling my thumbs. Cannot imagine doing this for weeks on end, but better than the alternative.
Gracie is keeping busy with her new gymnastics class. Perfect activity for a kid who likes to bounce around. She has been very busy practicing her forward and backward somersaults and learning to do a headstand!
She has also been a great bedrest buddy. As you can see from the pic, she has even incorporated her body and the walls into current art projects to make sure I am not bored!

I had my level 2 ultrasound the 1st of the year, and the only thing of concern right now is my cervix -- there seems to be some concern that my cervix may be opening (i.e., possible incompetent cervix).
Of course I am totally unprepared for a new baby. Grace is still fighting the potty training (okay, I admit she has lazy parents who have not pushed the issue) and is still happy as a clam in her crib. Need to get out of my holding pattern & take action! Or prisoners? Both sound good.
Holiday catchup

I am feeling good. Still have the morning sickness (a/k/a any time of the date sickness) but had this with Gracie until 24 weeks so no surprises that is has not gone away.
Had an amnio on December 19th (NOT an enjoyable experience!) and got the results back last week that everything is NORMAL - no chromosomal abnormalities. yeah!!!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Happy New Year!
I thought I would entitle this Blog "Expect the Unexpected" because that seems to be the theme of my life now-a-days.
My current story starts back in October. Greg and I had been trying to get pregnant for the second time for over 2 years and were at the point of finally going for it - IVF or bust. While waiting for my next cycle to begin so we could start the "IVF protocol," I started experiencing all sorts of stomach problems, to the point I thought I had an ulcer. I eliminated flu, food poisening and everything else I could think of (I even changed my water filter on my sink convinced I was poisening myself with bacteria since it had been so long since my lazy btt had changed it) before calling my General Practioner. If it tells you how often I go see the doctor, it had been so long since I saw my G.P. that they had to treat me as a new patient!
Well a few days before my doctor's appointment, I happened to be in Wendys and got my first indication of the problem -- I could smell the oil in the deep fryer! That may not mean much to some of you, but super-spidey sense of smell in my world only means one thing - prego!
A quick trip to the Dollar store and a pregnancy test later, I confirmed my suspicions. We were pregnant and all on our own!