Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day

Love comes in lots of different forms & this valentines day I can say I have never felt more loved.

My gifts I received? Yep got the standards - my DeBrands chocolates (thanks Mom) & a wonderful Valentines day card from the girls (with a little help from a Titi)

But also got some other wonderful gifts too. I got a 4 year old who I just discovered loves to empty the dishwasher. I have an 8 year old who has mastered the art of hot cocoa & microwave popcorn. I've got 2 little kids who want to tuck ME into bed at night b/c they know its hard for me to bend over right now to tuck me in. I've gots friends who ate pancakes for an entire week! Just to show there love & support. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a blue Tiffany box as much as the next girl, but the gifts I've received recently are worth so much more.

So for those out there still searching for their "true love", let me tell you, you probably already have it.

Monday, February 4, 2013

So long over-the-shoulder boulder holders

I realized yesterday that I can pack up all my bras - at least for the next year.
Since middle school (for most of us) we have had these accessories in varying shapes & sizes - modest & padded in our teens, sexy & lacy in our 20s, something designed by Victoria Secret in our 30s, & something to lift- shape- separate in our 40s that Jane Russell would have envied. Now I'm told to go buy tank tops- with no shelf bra. Don't know why it took me until yesterday evening for that revelation to set in.
I can't say I’ll miss my bras. Most of us talk about fantasies of going braless, to not be encumbered by wires, straps, etc. After Georgia was born I even gave serious consideration to just wearing my nursing bras for perpetuity b/c they were so soft, comfy, wire free -- kind of like those cotton big girl panties that are so seriously unattractive but so freaking comfortable. But I decided that for my personal self-esteem that I still needed to holster the sisters in something that was somewhat attractive. Now I’ve entered the next boobie phase in my life – Foobs.
Foobs are fake boobs to all you breast cancer neophytes. I am also giving serious consideration to just wearing shirts cut open to the navel (I mean, why not? It’s not like I will have any boobs to fall out). I get to pick out my foobs in about 6 weeks. I think I may get SEVERAL sizes so I have options for how I am feeling that day.
Until I get my foobs, I have my knitted knockers to wear while I heal. Yep, I didn’t stutter. I said knitted knockers. What in the world are they, you ask? Well people with knitting skills (NOT me) knit breast shaped prostheses for cancer patients:
All the knockers made by the Knitting Experience are donated by volunteers so they are completely free to survivors. They are very soft& light weight so they can be worn right away. And yep, I found another cancer freebie J
What really is the BEST about these is that they were a simple, easy tool to use in discussing my surgery with my girls. The girls could touch them, squeeze them, & they even tried them on J The set I got was 2 different shades of purple so they are not only non-threatening, they are fun! For Grace, this was a great way to broach what could have been a scary conversation. Grace was initially concerned & scared for me, but when I told her that I would ask the Doctor to make my scar in the shape of a smiley face (if possible) so we could then use a permanent marker to draw eyes on my chest, she giggled. Georgia liked that I would now “look like her,” & figured that they will just grow back. J They also told me I would look young without boobs. Who said that having cancer had no upside?
So don’t go braless tomorrow in honor of me (eek!); instead, enjoy all your pamcakes this week& know that I have been lifted up by all your kind words.
In honor of the bra, here is a yummy recipe I thought I would share:
Bacalhau a Bras (Portuguese Scrambled Eggs with Salt Cod and Potatoes)
1 pound dried salt cod
7 tablespoons olive oil, divided
1 1/2 pounds russet potatoes, peeled, cut into matchstick-size strips (about 6 cups)
1 large onion, thinly sliced
1 bay leaf
8 large eggs
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

1 head garlic
4 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley, divided
18 oil-cured black olives

1.        Rinse the fish and place it in a bowl. Add enough cold water to cover. Chill overnight, changing the water several times.
2.       The next day, drain the fish and transfer to a large saucepan. Cover with water, bring to a boil, and simmer until the fish flakes easily, about 15 minutes. Drain and cool. Flake the fish, discarding any bones.
3.       Heat 4 tablespoons of the oil in a heavy, large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add the potatoes in batches and saute until crisp and golden, about 7 minutes per batch. Transfer the potatoes to paper towels to drain.
4.       Add 1 tablespoon of the oil to the same skillet. Add the onion and bay leaf and saute until golden, about 15 minutes. Discard the bay leaf. Reduce the heat to low. Add the remaining 2 tablespoons oil to the onion slices in the skillet. Mix in the fish and potatoes.
5.       Whisk the eggs, the 1/2 teaspoon salt, and the 1/2 teaspoon pepper in a large bowl to blend.
6.       Add the egg mixture and 3 tablespoons of the parsley to the fish mixture in the skillet.
7.       Cook over medium heat until the eggs are softly set, stirring occasionally, about 3 minutes.
8.       Transfer the eggs to a platter. Garnish with the olives and the remaining 1 tablespoon parsley.    

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Official Flat as a Pancacke week is here!

Today is the start of [flat as a] Pancake week for all people flattened literally & figuratively by breast cancer.

For those who have missed it, I was officially diagnosed with breast cancer on 12-7-2012.  After nearly 2 months of doctors-tests-consultatio, I am finally set for surgery on Tuesday !  I have asked all my friends to eat pancakes this week to support breast cancer awareness ( so much better than trying to get people to shave off perfectly fine heads of hair IMO) :)

I'm including a couple of pancake recipes in my blog (one even gluten free/Paleo based !) or if you don't want to cook,  IHOP is offering a free short stack on February 5th:

Bob Evans is also having $4.99 all you can eat pancakes -or- I am uploading a BOGO free BE Breakfast coupon

**Whole-Grain Banana Blueberry Pancakes**

1 cup oat flour (see below for instructions on making your own)
1 cup white whole-wheat flour
2 1/4 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup diced walnuts (optional)
2 eggs, slightly beaten
1/4 cup canola oil
1 banana, mashed
2 tablespoons honey
1 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup low-fat milk
1/2 cup fresh blueberries

In a large mixing bowl, whisk dry ingredients together. in another mixing bowl, combine remaining ingredients, except blueberries. Pour wet mixture into dry, and stir until combined and most lumps disappear; fold in blueberries.

Heat griddle to 350°, or until a drop of water sizzles when dropped on griddle. Spray griddle with nonstick cooking spray, and pour on 1/4 cup pancake mix. Turn pancakes over when they begin to dry around the edges and are golden on the bottom. if desired, top pancakes with additional blueberries and banan- as, and drizzle with 100% pure maple syrup.

Tip: To make oat flour, add old- fashioned oats to a blender (1 cup oats makes 1 cup flour), and blend until a flour-like consistency is achieved.

**Cherry Chocolate Chip (Paleo) Pancakes (or Waffles)**


2 cups of sweet cherries
2 Bananas
2 cups of almond butter
2 tbsp Arrowroot powder
2 tbsp Vanilla
4 eggs
1 cup of Dark Chocolate Chunks

1. Pit cherries (tedious work, I will seriously reconsider before allowing a free for all with the kids at pyo cherries next year)

2. Puree cherries and bananas until smooth

3. Add almond butter and puree until smooth (LOVE my immersion blender)

4. Add all remaining ingredients except chocolate chips and mix

5. Stir in chocolate chips

6. Heat skillet to medium/high, add a little coconut oil if your skillet isn’t non stick

7. Ladle in batter and watch for bubbles to come up to the top surface of the pancake

8. Flip and cook opposite side 2-3 minutes.

Every stove top and skillet is a little different. The first batch of pancakes in the pan are always the test subjects to see how long it takes before they can be flipped successfully yet still be golden and how long the opposite side needs to cook. I will say these pancakes have a tendency to need to cook a little longer than some pancakes before firming up yet also brown more quickly sue to their high sugar content. Keep an eye on them!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Accepting the love

So last week I finally sat down & cried. A good old sit at the table with my head down gut wrenching sobs cry. What triggered it? Perfect strangers want to clean my house - empty my cat box - even fold my laundry - for free!  This organization - Cleaning for a Reason - puts cancer patients in contact with local cleaning companies who donate their time to cancer patients.  Perfect strangers. Me.  

Now most people who know me know I am independent; I believe I may have even been called stubborn on occasion. So accepting the love, kindness & generosity from my friends & family, and yes, even perfect strangers, has been one of the  biggest struggles for me in this journey.  Even though I would absolutely anything for those I care about, its difficult to accept it in return.  So thank you & bear with me.

I could't find an "Accepting the Love"recipe, but I think this recipe for Italian LOVE cake is pretty darn close:

1 (18.25 ounce) package chocolate cake
2 pints part-skim ricotta cheese
3/4 cup white sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 eggs
1 (3.9 ounce) package instant chocolate
pudding mix
1 cup milk
1 (12 ounce) container frozen whipped
topping, thawed
1.Prepare cake mix as directed on box. Pour batter into 9 x 13 x 2 inch greased baking dish. Set aside.
2.Combine ricotta cheese, sugar, vanilla, and eggs. Blend well. Spread mixture evenly over the top of the cake batter.
3.Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 75 minutes if using a glass baking dish, 90 minutes if using a metal pan.
4.Blend pudding mix and milk until thickened. Blend in whipped topping. Spread over cooled cake.