Thursday, June 13, 2013

Rocky road but only one more to go!

Good morning all! Sorry I've been MIA but I've been grumpy & well, if you have nothing nice to say....

I finished my 1st chemo cocktail without any major incidents & started my 2nd chemo regimen (Taxol) on May 13th, & started (what i thought was ) my 30 day countdown to my last chemo treatment - whih was supposed to be today, June 13th! Well Taxol had different ideas!

Nothing but trouble. Taxol & I were like a drama filled teenage relationship..

I got thru my dirst round of taxol, but when i went back for my 2nd dose two weks later, my chemo got CAncELled b/c my blood counts were too low. Frickin doctors. Frickin Taxol. Platelets Went from 181 last week to 63. Nervous nellies. Whatever. I told doc I would be fine & promised not to start spontaneously bleeding but he did not see things my way. Said I would feel great with an extra weeks break. Whateverrrrr. No blood transfusions needed so I guess that was some Good news. Just needed to watch for bleeding from ears nose gums... I'm a walking horror movie. Pls refer to me as bride of chuckie only from now on

Upside was I did have an extra week to recover so felt like a champ when Gigi's 5th birthday rolled around & the tooth fairy came to visit her. All in one week!

By the next Thursday my numbers had rebounded! It was either all the green leafy veggies I've been eating... Or the jelly donut from the gas station that am 😎, so they hooked me up & got ready to go...

30 minutes later I got thrown off Taxol - chemo halted as Taxol was causing me long bone spasms up & down spine equivant to labor contractions. Imagine repeated knife stabbings in your spine.

Got sent home that day & had to come back Friday to start new drug (taxotere - cousin of taxol but easier). Because of the change in drugs had to also switch to 3 week cycle so won't be done until July. Grr!!! Angry face!

Taxotere still made me feel like crap, with mild neurpoathy in hands, bone pain and still tired (but occasionally suffer from insomnia?), but the most interesting side effect was a rash that resembles poison ivy all over my body - Isn't that grande?

Well today I went back for my taxotere. Dr. Dropped my taxotere dose by 10 mg b/c of crazy rash but not Dr. Dropping my taxotere dose b/c of crazy rash but luckily did not get thrown off regimen Woo hoo!

Made it thru the dose so I only have 1 more chemo cycle left! fingers crossed!!

Also get to do next chemo on July 8th so all clear for 4th activities!

Survived soccer season, but now doing gymnastics team 3 days a week, doing some random kids camps (cross country/tennis/golf/cross country) & did sign grace & her peeps up for a competitive soccer tournament for next weekend, so life is still crazy but all good distractions!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi there! I was actually reading through a few of your posts and just had a quick question about your blog. I was hoping you could email me back when you get the chance, thanks : )
