Wednesday, April 9, 2008


So, as I sit here on my 8th week of bed rest, I have been BIT by the travel bug. Here are my future plans for any interested joiners:

-- head down to Brown County State Park sometime around last 2 weeks of July. Baby will be at least 6 weeks old then, the Abe Martin Lodge in Brown County State Park will have their brand new 12,000 indoor water park up and running, and there are primo outlet malls near by, and my beloved sassafrass tea.

-- Las Vegas, black jack and craps

-- white water rafting next spring/summer/fall

-- at least one week in Northern Michigan hunting for beach glass and petosky stones.

-- Winter Olympics in 2010 at Whistler Ski resort in Canada

I guess I am feeling a little trapped :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Happy Unbirthday

Yeah! We made it to 32 weeks (and counting). Big milestone in my mind because if I was having triplets, I would have probably delivered today! Sorry, no triplets on board, only a singleton, but you get the point!

Greg decided we would celebrate and went out and got steaks and a cake, and told Gracie we were having a party. Well, when you are 3 years old, every party is a BIRTHDAY party, so of course we had to sign "happy birthday", but since we did not want to inspire the baby to come out, we sang happy UNbirthday. Fine time had by all.

My bed rest gave me an opportunity to realize the little things in life that most people take for granted. (I'm sure you will all understand. . .) Things like daily showers, cooking your own meals, sitting up to EAT your meals, blow drying your hair, taking a walk, etc. However, I will never remember missing any of those things once I get a little squalling baby to hold.
Thought I would share this funny video of Gracie. Her Aunt Suzanne put a video up on her blog for Gracie, and Gracie liked it so much we, have watched it over a dozen times... and each time she talks to it as if they can hear her. What a blessing!